About Us

MEDIVALEX team - is a team of specialists and like-minded people who strive to make the lives of people and their pets healthier.

International group "MEDIVALEX" focuses its efforts on developing and implementing the latest technologies for the latest products.

The hallmark of the research team is the creation of a liquid form of activated carbon using the technology of impregnation with modified polymeric chemisorbents.

This made it possible to create and implement a convenient form of activated carbon, which additionally gained the ability to chemisorption, which significantly expanded its adsorption properties

Activated carbon - is a product that everyone needs at home, both people and their pets.

Now it is also easy and tasty to use.

Activated carbon gel "Integigel" is produced for people and pets to reduce the manifestations of poisoning and intoxication and diarrheal syndromes.

A gel form has also been developed for animals "Integrium White" based on the impregnation of a silicon sorbent with prebiotics with a polymeric chemisorbent PVPK-12.

The development of sorbent products continued with the creation of the first effervescent form of a combined sorbent ("SorboForte" and "Enterodesis") in combination with electrolytes and amino acids, is effective in the treatment of hangover and dehydration syndrome.

The combination of organosilicon sorbents with magnesium ions and alginic acid polymers and PVPK-12 chemisorbent led to the creation of the product "HelicoSorb", which effectively helps to reduce the manifestations of dyspeptic syndrome and symptoms of heartburn and reflux in peptic ulcer disease and gastroesophageal reflux and diarrheal syndrome.

Continuing the development of detoxification products, unique functionalized drinking solutions were created:

  • food product for special medical purposes - Mineralized water "Restor", which is able to reduce the manifestations of dehydration and electrolyte disorders in diarrheal syndrome, intoxication syndrome, including intoxication associated with radiation or chemotherapy;
  • food a product for special medical purposes - in pediatric practice to promote normalization of fat metabolism in acetonemic syndrome in children (cyclic vomiting syndrome). "AcetoStop" contains components that "redirect" ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic acid, beta-oxybutyric acid) for rapid utilization in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which quickly helps to improve the condition of children;
  • food a product for special medical purposes - a non-alcoholic beverage enriched with minerals, amino acids and vitamins: "AquaRelax" for use in anxiety syndrome. The components contained in the drink have been proven in clinical trials to reduce tension and improve sleep, both the stage of falling asleep (reduction) and the quality of sleep (reduction of awakenings). The product does not cause drowsiness during normal activity. It is able to help improve the state of psycho-emotional stress and overwork.
  • food product for special medical purposes - non-alcoholic beverage enriched with minerals, amino acids and vitamins: "Restor h5 effect". This is the world's first combined eugeroic drink. Eugeroics are agents that promote wakefulness and increase performance in conditions of lack of sleep. The components of the product have been proven in clinical trials to improve cognitive (alertness, concentration, attention, memorization and problem solving) and physical parameters of the human body in wakefulness (sleep deprivation). The effect lasts for 4-5 hours.
  • Food product for special medical purposes - non-alcoholic beverage enriched with minerals, amino acids and vitamins: "Restor CardioHelp". The drink contains substances necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system with a positive effect proven in clinical trials. Moreover, the substances contained in the drink, if used regularly and the daily consumption norms are met, can help reduce the manifestations of hypertension, heart failure and diabetes.

The company's research team is not resting on its laurels and is developing new products for implementation.

  • Food product for special medical purposes "Saportin"is designed to facilitate the care of people who are unconscious (e.g., after a stroke, traumatic brain injury). "Saportin is available in the form of a syringe containing the necessary nutrients for a person in this state, which can be easily dosed and administered to a person in this state by mouth. In addition, the Saportin formulation helps to improve metabolic processes in the brain and prevents the loss of muscle mass, which is a major factor in health problems in people during rehabilitation.
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Our motto: "The impossible will become possible"which we try to realize through our work every day!

Products for Animals


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